Kalobazari Ko Pakchyaposan Huda Gas Hahakar WATCH VIDEO

10:39 AM

This is a non-verbal intelligence test requiring interactive reasoning about abstract
geometric patterns. This was first published in 1938 and later revised several times
and is designed to cover a very wide range of mental ability and to be useable with
subjects irrespective of age, sex, nationality, or education.
The respondent is provided with 60 abstract geometric patterns with a missing part.
In each case the subject must select from several alternatives the one that fits in a
missing part of the pattern. Some psychologists believe that it provides the purest
available measure of general intelligence, uncontaminated by cultural and educational
influences. English Psychologist John C. Raven (1902-1970) developed this test in
1938. The R.P.M. is available in three forms, differing in level of difficulty. The
Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM-1996 Edition) is the form suitable for average
individuals between the ages 6 and 80 years
An easier form, the Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM-1990 Edition), is available
for younger children and for special groups who cannot be adequately tests with the
SPM for various reasons.
A third form, the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM-1994 Edition) was developed
for above-average adolescents

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